
The Gym Group: see capacity without the app!

If you're like me, you hate busy gyms. I was very happy to learn that I can view my gym's capacity at any time with The Gym Group:


But there's a catch! It can only be viewed using their app.

This annoying decision is made even more annoying after you discover that in order to get the number, the app is just making a simple web request. You really have to wonder why I need to provide location data (a necessary app permission), and have Google Play Services enabled, just to see the response of a web request.

Let's get it without the app. The process is 2 steps:

  1. Logging in and obtaining:
    • a cookie
    • your ID
    • your gym's ID
  2. Sending a web request to /gym-busyness

I'll be using hurl to send requests, but you can use any tool that can send web requests and read responses.

Start by making a POST request to /login with your username and password. The Content-Type is x-www-form-urlencoded (a simple web form). Here is it in hurl:

password: ********
username: ****@******.net

and then run:

npx hurl login.hurl --very-verbose

From the output, find and copy:

  • your cookie - set by the set-cookie response header
  • uuid
  • homeClubUuid

Now all we need to do is make a GET request to /gym-busyness. Here it is in hurl with placeholders for the values above:

GET{put uuid here}/gym-busyness?gymLocationId={put homeClubUuid here}
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: {put set-cookie here}
User-Agent: okhttp/4.10.0
X-NP-API-Version: 1.5
X-NP-APP-Version: 6.1
X-NP-User-Agent: clientType=MOBILE_DEVICE; devicePlatform=ANDROID; deviceUid=; applicationName=The Gym Group; applicationVersion=6.1; applicationVersionCode=60

That's it! No app required. Here's an example of the result:

  "gymLocationId": "",
  "gymLocationName": "London Wandsworth",
  "currentCapacity": 20,
  "currentPercentage": 12,
  "historical": [
      "hour": "12AM",
      "percentage": 4
      "hour": "2AM",
      "percentage": 2
      "hour": "4AM",
      "percentage": 6
      "hour": "6AM",
      "percentage": 21
      "hour": "8AM",
      "percentage": 29
      "hour": "10AM",
      "percentage": 34
      "hour": "12PM",
      "percentage": 32
      "hour": "2PM",
      "percentage": 36
      "hour": "4PM",
      "percentage": 40
      "hour": "6PM",
      "percentage": 33
      "hour": "8PM",
      "percentage": 5
      "hour": "10PM",
      "percentage": 0
  "status": "open"